Saturday, October 7, 2017

Week 8 Reading and Writing

So far, I have really enjoyed both the reading and the writing aspects of this class. Having never really written before, outside of research papers, I hadn't been particularly confident in my ability to write a story. However, now that I have done several, I feel much better about it. I'm even enjoying it, and I don't think me writing is terrible!

I've liked all of the reading that I've done for the class. The Arabian Nights section was particularly enjoyable. However, there haven't been any that I didn't like. I just enjoy folklore and fairy tales in general.

Doing the reading notes has definitely been helpful. Each one has been a little different, depending on what struck me about the story, but they have all been helpful when it came down to the actual writing. Normally, I'll get the inkling of an idea about a possible story while I'm doing the reading. The notes have helped me to not forget what it was that struck me and the direction that I wanted to go.

I'm really happy about how my storybook project is coming along. It's actually turning out much better than I expected. Each time I sit down to write and addition to it, I'm convinced that I won't be able to come up with anything, and that even if I do it will be terrible. That hasn't happened yet. Of course, I'm only two stories in, so writer's block could hit at any time. Fingers crossed. But I have to say that right now I'm very proud of what I've done and the story that I'm telling.

Maiden and Unicorn fresco c. 1602 (Wikipedia)
I really like this image of the girl and the unicorn. I included it in one of the sections of my storybook. For one, I think it's pretty. However, the main reason that I like it is that it so perfectly encapsulated the story that I was telling at the time. It just fit so perfectly. I was lucky to find it.

I don't think there's anything more that I need to help me with the reading and the writing in this class, except for time. I have all the tools, but more time is always helpful. There's just such a shortage of it!

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