Saturday, October 7, 2017

Week 8 Progress

I would have to say that I am moderately happy with my progress with the class so far. I'm a little bit behind of where I need to be, but not so far that I can't catch up. My weekly routine is pretty good and it's mostly working out. The schedule itself is good, the problem is the days that I just don't feel motivated, or I'm just tired and don't feel like doing what I need to do. I have to just keep telling myself to suck it up, buttercup! The only way to get to the end is to just keep going.

I am enjoying the reading assignments the most out of everything in the class. They are things that I would read for pleasure even if it wasn't a requirement. I haven't used any of the extra credit options yet, but I am going to need to start doing so soon.

Going forward I just need to buckle down and do the work! Procrastinating isn't going to help anything.

This is the image, or the words, that I use to motivate myself. While I wouldn't describe this class as hell by any stretch of the imagination, it reminds me that even when I don't feel like it, I need to keep going! Anything can be endured when it's temporary. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. The finish line will be reached eventually!

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