Saturday, September 2, 2017

Topic Research: Mythical Creatures

Belvedere Sphynx (Wikipedia)

- My first, and perhaps favorite, story idea is to write about a 19th century explorer who is out researching and hunting for various legendary creatures. He is certain that they exist, so he is out looking for proof. He ends up at a temple that is being guarded by a sphinx. The sphinx forces the man to answer several riddles in exchange for its help (and the man's life), and each riddle centers around a different mythical creature, leading into a story about them. Just about any creature could be plugged into the story, but I'm most drawn to the unicorn, phoenix, and griffin.


- Another story idea that I liked revolved around the day to day goings on at a dragon zoo (not Jurassic Park style, much more boring and prosaic). The framework story might follow a zookeeper and his new trainee. As the somewhat jaded zookeeper teaches the newbie about the different exhibits, he tells stories about their origin and/or temperament. As he passes along this knowledge, he is reminded of how remarkable the dragons really are. I could include a Chinese dragon, a Japanese dragon, and a European dragon (perhaps based on Beowulf).

Loup-garou (Wikimedia)

- My final story idea is about a grizzled, alcoholic, retired werewolf hunter with an eye patch. I don't know why, but the eye patch is important. He is hired to help and protect a young lady who has been cursed, and is being threatened by various supernatural creatures, while she attempts to end the curse First, she tells him the story of the ghost that haunts her and wishes to possess her. There is later a run in with a vampire and a werewolf. I suspect that this story would end in a twist.

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