Thursday, September 14, 2017

Reading Notes: Arabian Nights, Part B

- There were several sections of the story about Aladdin and his lamp. The one that stood out to me was the final story that showed Aladdin facing off with the brother of the magician who acted as the catalyst for the proceeding events. In an effort to avenge the death of his brother, this new magician shows up and infiltrates Aladdin's palace wearing the disguise of a holy woman.
- In the story, the evil magician tells the princess that, although her palace is beautiful, it is not perfect. The only way to make it perfect is to hang a roc egg. Unbeknownst to the princess, the genie who grants Aladdin's wishes is apparently the servant of a roc, and the request to bring an egg is quite offensive.
- What stood out to me was the princess's shallowness and spoiled greed. Although the story does not present it that way, that is how I took it. The princess lives in a fabulous castle, with gems on the window frames. She's rich and has a handsome husband that loves her. But, she becomes moody and depressed, because there is one single thing that she doesn't have. That's an incredibly spoiled and selfish reaction.
- I would like to write a story that is slightly more contemporary, and takes out the magical elements of the story. The character that represents Aladdin can be a lower class individual that falls for the rich girl, but doesn't necessarily know her well. He manages to become rich and win her hand. However, after the marriage he discovers how selfish and shallow she is.

BibliographyThe Arabian Nights' Entertainment by Andrew Lang. Web Source.

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