Saturday, November 25, 2017

Growth Mindset: Multiple Intelligences


- I had heard of multiple intelligences before, but I didn't really remember what they were. There are some that I definitely feel like I have a "high IQ" in that particular area, but most I would consider myself to be average or below average.

- Most of my classes, this semester, have several different types of intelligence that get a workout. Verbal-linguistic is probably the one that is used most often, but it's hardly the only one. In this class, adding pictures to my blog posts and the creation of my website, I think, calls upon visual-spatial intelligence. The commenting falls under interpersonal, while a lot of the reflection required for story writing is very intrapersonal.

- Of the many intelligences, I feel that my visual-spatial, musical, and bodily-kinesthetic are the ones that need the most work. They just aren't things that play to my strengths, but they are very much ones that I would like to improve.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, Nancy!

    I have actually never heard of the multiple intelligences prior to reading your post. I might have come across this in my general psychology class, but it appears that I did not remember this. This is a really interesting chart to look at. I definitely noticed that I am strong in some areas. However, I also noticed that I lack skills within certain areas as well. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
